Personality List

    Hiroshi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Hiroshi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Hiroshi from Fruits Basket 2019 and what is the personality traits.


    ESTP (7w8)

    Hiroshi personality type is ESTP, which is the most uncomfortable of all the types, and is not for everyone. He is an adventurer, yes, but he is not the type of person who would go into battle or will go into combat. He is more of an explorer than anything else, and his main goal in life is to see as much as he can. This makes him very hard to get along with, since he tends to be quite cynical. He does not like people who are overly friendly, and he doesn't like people who are overly arrogant or haughty. He is very objective about people and things, and will sometimes even see things that others don't. He is also very anti-authority figure, and will resist any attempts by others to bring him down or make him feel inferior. This makes him sometimes quite dangerous to his peers, since he will not hesitate to fight back, even if it means fighting his friends. He can also be very rude at times, but he is usually joking around. His jokes are usually only for certain people, though, so you have to be on the list.

    It is also worth noting that he will never let anyone push him around, especially if they are people who are stronger than him.

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