Personality List

    Mine Kuramae Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mine Kuramae? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mine Kuramae from Fruits Basket 2019 and what is the personality traits.

    Mine Kuramae

    ENFP (7w6)

    Mine Kuramae personality type is ENFP, and is a Male!

    Mystical Kuramae's free-style is: D, I, A, S

    The Kuramae clan is a clan of people who possess an “extra pair of eyes” and the ability to see the future. Many Kuramae possess powerful magical abilities and tend to be easy to see as “special” by others. Kuramae tend to be more serious and thoughtful than other people, and often tend to be introverted. With that said, they can be very good friends and tend to be very loyal to their friends.

    Kuramae tend to be very creative and outgoing, and usually have an active imagination and a vivid imagination. Although Kuramae aren’t necessarily very social, they tend to be very friendly and outgoing, and their ability to talk about things that don’t really matter tends to open up a lot of opportunities for them to meet new people.

    As far as Kuramae personality types go, this one is pretty positive. The ENFP Kuramae tends to be creative, imaginative, and outgoing. The Kuramae personality type is often associated with ENFPs.

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