Personality List

    Bank Manager Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bank Manager? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bank Manager from The Shawshank Redemption 1994 and what is the personality traits.

    Bank Manager

    ESTJ (3w2)

    Bank Manager personality type is ESTJ, which means such people are likely to be responsible and practical, and prefer a stable and organized environment.

    To create a stable and organized environment, ESTJs want to be in charge. They like to be responsible for the financial and material resources of the family and the household. They believe that money is a tool with which they can provide for their loved ones, and sometimes they can even make money.

    ESTJs may be not only the public face of the family, but also the private one. They like to be involved in family finances and they like to manage their money. This means that ESTJs tend to be cautious with their money and they try to control it.

    Being involved in home finances and in family finances is a way for them to express their leadership and their responsibility. ESTJs often take on leadership roles in their work and at home, and they like to do everything in an organized and efficient way.

    ESTJs like to take care of the details, so they are very good at following up on all the things that need to be done. If ESTJs are not doing something properly, they will find ways to get things done because this is part of being responsible.

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