Personality List

    Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin from Star Wars The Clone Wars 2008 and what is the personality traits.

    Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin

    ISTJ (8w9)

    Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin personality type is ISTJ, the Supervisor. Why the ISTJ? Because he is a “Supervisor” like many ISTJs are. But it’s not really accurate for this particular character, because he’s not like any other Supervisor you’ve met.

    When I think about Admiral Tarkin, I see a man who feels he has complete control over his environment. He has the knowledge, the experience, and the strength to lead. He’s not afraid to use it, either. That’s why the name “Admiral” is so appropriate for him.

    He also has a natural desire to be in command, which is what allows him to rise to the top of the Imperial Senate. He’s not born into it, but he works hard to earn it.

    He’s very decisive, and because of his knowledge and experience, he knows he can make good decisions quickly. Despite that, he finds himself questioning his decisions sometimes, especially when dealing with young Luke Skywalker.

    It’s ironic, really, for a man who believes himself to be in complete control to be so easily controlled by others.

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