Personality List

    ARC Captain Fordo Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of ARC Captain Fordo? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for ARC Captain Fordo from Star Wars The Clone Wars 2008 and what is the personality traits.

    ARC Captain Fordo

    ISTP (7w8)

    ARC Captain Fordo personality type is ISTP, the Hacker. ISTP’s have a strong ability to do whatever needs to be done to get the job done. They are not terribly bright but they are extremely productive and focused. They are not particularly creative but they are extremely industrious and determined.

    ISTP professionals tend to be serious about their work, and often become severely stressed by corporate politics and “bureaucracy”. They are often overlooked for promotion because of their lack of communication skills, but will excel in their chosen field if given the chance to do so. ISTPs often find themselves in executive positions, but can also make good managers.

    ISTPs are not shy, they are just focused on their own tasks. They are typically self-taught and like to self-educate. In school, they may have difficulty with authority and may have trouble taking orders, but once they become managers, they can be very effective at it. ISTPs love working with data, and like to record their findings. ISTPs are not afraid of computers or technology, they just don’t have much patience for those who have no idea how to use them, even if it means their job will suffer because of it.

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