Personality List

    Dengar Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dengar? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dengar from Star Wars The Clone Wars 2008 and what is the personality traits.


    ISTP (6w7)

    Dengar personality type is ISTP, which is definitely a good fit. Because of his love for money, he's more likely to be the ISTP in this case.

    Here are some of Dengar's qualities:

    – Able to retain information for a long time

    – Have a quick wit

    – Have an active imagination

    – Love solving puzzles

    – Have a lot of knowledge about ships and space stuff

    – Enjoy space combat

    – Have a love for money. He's always hoarding money to one day create his own ship using his own money.

    – Enjoys thinking outside the box. He loves getting into trouble and then creating a plan to get out of it.

    – Enjoys living near water. He once had a vacation house in a trailer park in Florida.

    – Likes to keep a low profile, but will start a fight if provoked enough.

    Dengar also has a great ISTP type memory. He knows a lot about ships and space. He's able to remember the details of every ship he's ever been on. He can also remember the prices of all the ships he's ever been on.

    Dengar, also known as Dengar the Demolisher, was a Corellian bounty hunter operating since the early stages of the Clone Wars. Dengar participated in an operation on Quarzite—during which he served as a member of Krayt's Claw, a syndicate of hunters including Boba Fett, Bossk, and Asajj Ventress—to secure property valuable to Lord Otua Blank of the planet Quarzite. Dengar also took jobs for clients such as the Grand Hutt Council, fighting against Maul and his Shadow Collective on Nal Hutta.

    Dengar remained active through the Galactic Civil War, during which he was one of several bounty hunters hired by Darth Vader to capture Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon. Though Dengar ultimately lost Vader's bounty to his rival and partner Boba Fett, he was later present with Bossk and Fett in Jabba's Palace on Tatooine during Solo's rescue by Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker.

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