Personality List

    Latts Razzi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Latts Razzi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Latts Razzi from Star Wars The Clone Wars 2008 and what is the personality traits.

    Latts Razzi

    ESFP (9w1)

    Latts Razzi personality type is ESFP, with an associated preference for Extraversion and Sensing. Their natural personalities are generally extroverted and practical, but with a tendency towards being quite impulsive. Lattts Razzi are very sociable people, who love to be the center of attention, and are often very funny and loyal friends. They are usually a little more eccentric than other Extraverts, and may appear more brash.

    In their careers, some Latts Razzi are very successful in sales, marketing, or public relations; however, given their natural tendency towards impulsiveness, their best work is usually done on a spur of the moment basis. They need to be careful that they don't take on too many responsibilities or tasks at the same time to avoid becoming overloaded.

    Lattts Razzi are usually very friendly to others, and enjoy the "social butterfly" life of meeting new people and throwing themselves into the mix. They may be a little too eager to please, however, and may take on too many roles or projects in their social life.

    Lattts Razzi enjoy activities that involve physical movement and high-energy activities like karate or dancing.

    Latts Razzi was a female Theelin bounty hunter who operated during the Clone Wars. She occasionally worked as part of a syndicate of bounty hunters that included Boba Fett, Bossk, Oked, C-21 Highsinger, and Dengar.

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