Personality List

    Ebony Maw Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ebony Maw? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ebony Maw from Mcu The Villains and what is the personality traits.

    Ebony Maw

    ESTJ (3w4)

    Ebony Maw personality type is ESTJ, which is the ESTP personality type with the added boost of extraverted thinking. This combination of tertiary tertiary functions of extroverted thinking and introverted sensation, coupled with the dominant extraverted sensing, gives the ESTJ the ability to plan ahead, take calculated risks, and push forward toward their goals without losing their cool.

    As an ESTJ personality type, Ebony Maw will have a keen ability to see the big picture, but that doesn't mean they are completely emotionless. The ESTJ personality type is very emotionally expressive, but they are also quite consistent in their emotional expression. They are more likely to gesticulate with words than to physically express their emotions through their facial, bodily, or verbal expression.

    Ebony Maw's sense of humor is based on irony. The ESTJ personality type can be very sarcastic and dry, and will tend to poke fun at people and situations that they find amusing. They can also tend to be rather blunt, which can make them offensive to those who don't understand their humor. The ESTJ personality type is also not afraid to abandon people whom they feel don't deserve their friendship.

    The ESTJ personality type is a very logical and industrious person.

    Ebony Maw is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is a prominent member of the Black Order, a team of aliens who work for Thanos. The character has made several appearances in media, such as animated television series, the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame voiced by Tom Vaughan-Lawlor, and video games. Lawlor also voiced alternate timeline versions in the Disney+ animated series What If...?.

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