Personality List

    Emil Blonsky “Abomination” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Emil Blonsky “Abomination”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Emil Blonsky “Abomination” from Mcu The Villains and what is the personality traits.

    Emil Blonsky “Abomination”

    ESTJ (8w7)

    Emil Blonsky “Abomination” personality type is ISTJ, or Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging, or for those that prefer to be classified by their function (i.e., Ti, Ni, Si, Se, etc.)

    The “Abomination” personality type is characterized by a “strong independent streak,” which often leads them to be perceived as “anti-social” or “controlling” (Ti, Si). They are not the sort of people to sit around waiting for something to happen; they make things happen, and they are often the first to step up and take action.

    This personality type is often mistaken for an introvert (especially an “Introvert” personality type), because of the strong desire to be alone. And while this personality type does have a strong desire to be alone, this is usually due to negative feelings (i.e., depression, anxiety, etc.).

    Not all “Abominations” are sad people; some are highly energetic and outgoing, and enjoy being the center of attention. And while they can be extremely forceful, their energy is usually not destructive or overly malicious.

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