Personality List

    Biscuit Krueger Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Biscuit Krueger? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Biscuit Krueger from Hunter X Hunter and what is the personality traits.

    Biscuit Krueger

    ENTJ (1w2)

    Biscuit Krueger personality type is ENTJ, which means that they are extremely decisive and control-oriented. ENTJs are very capable of taking control of their environment, and they are always ready to step in if they feel that something is not right. They have the ability to quickly take charge of a situation, and their usual approach to anything is to take charge and push it forward. ENTJs are not particularly patient people, and they tend to be quite blunt. They are not normally very emotional people, but they are able to feel emotions when it comes to their work or personal relationships. ENTJs are very good at making decisions, and they are also very good at delegating. They are usually quite good at multitasking, and they are able to keep themselves organized at all times. ENTJs are hard-working people, and they take their work very seriously. ENTJs are very goal-oriented, and they make sure that they achieve their goals. They are always willing to put in the extra effort, and they are often willing to take risks. ENTJs tend to take their work really seriously, but they are also very good at seeing the humor in everything. They are usually very good at giving advice, and they are definitely very good at helping others out.

    Biscuit Krueger (ビスケット゠クルーガー) is a Double-Star Stone Hunter that enlisted in clearing the video game Greed Island following the auction for the game in Yorknew City.

    Biscuit has a devious personality. She has a tendency to use her cutesy appearance and demeanor to her advantage whether it is for gathering information, getting what she wants, or acting innocent and helpless in combat to deceive her opponents. She is prone to violent outbursts whenever she is left out of a conversation or reminded of her true age. Despite her sternness and deceitful personality, Biscuit is easily persuaded once someone compliments her appearance.

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