Personality List

    Brilliant Chang Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Brilliant Chang? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Brilliant Chang from Peaky Blinders 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Brilliant Chang

    ENTP (5w4)

    Brilliant Chang personality type is ENTP, which is the most common personality type among entrepreneurs. The reason behind this is that ENTPs are generally highly intelligent and curious. They love to think and analyze things. They love to challenge the status quo and to do things differently than what has been done before.

    One of the reasons why ENTPs tend to excel in entrepreneurship is that they love to learn new things and they love to share what they have learned with other people. They are also good at predicting the future and at anticipating problems and challenges. ENTPs are basically good at solving problems and handling situations and they can also be very good at making money.

    ENTPs love to challenge the status quo and change things for the better. They enjoy doing things that other people consider challenging and risky. They like to take risks and they like to challenge the norms of society as well as the current trends of society as well as the current norms of business.

    They love learning new things and they love applying those new things to real life situations as well as making money.

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