Personality List

    Ace Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ace? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ace from Bungou Stray Dogs and what is the personality traits.


    ESTJ (3w4)

    Ace personality type is ESTJ, the guardian and protector personality type. ESTJ’s are the “shapers” of the world, they take in the world as it is and mold it into what they think it should be.

    Now in the case of most of us here, we are not the shapers of the world, we are just trying to get through the world. We try to live a life of our own choosing, we don’t necessarily try to “shaper” the world around us, but we still try to do what we want with our lives.

    ESTJs are very likely to be “people-pleasers”. When you look at ESTJ’s, you will notice that they are very direct and blunt, which may put them at odds with people who are creative and adaptable. They are very loyal, which is why they are so good at being people-pleasers. They have such a strong sense of loyalty that they will literally sacrifice themselves in order to help others.

    The ESTJ is a highly defensive type when it comes to taking ideas and attempts at creativity away from them.

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