Personality List

    George Sairas Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of George Sairas? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for George Sairas from Death Note and what is the personality traits.

    George Sairas

    ISTJ (5w6)

    George Sairas personality type is ISTJ, which is one of the 16 types of the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator. ISTJ is the first letter in the word istj, which is an abbreviation for independent, structured, thinking. The ISTJ personality type is the personality type that is most likely to be in the military. ISTJs are called “the officers” because they are strong willed and disciplined. They are also known as “the chain pullers” because they are responsible for most of the organization’s day to day operations.

    ISTJs are known for being practical, practical, practical. They are not afraid to make a plan and execute on it.

    ISTJs are known to be detail oriented and organized. They believe in a set process for everything. This means that ISTJs will not change their plans easily, even if the situation that is in their original plan doesn’t make sense anymore.

    ISTJs have very high standards for themselves and others. If you do not meet their expectations, they will let you know. The ISTJ is also known for being very loyal to their friends and family. They will always defend their friends when others say something bad about them.

    The Vice President of the United States.

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