Personality List

    Masahiko Kida Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Masahiko Kida? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Masahiko Kida from Death Note and what is the personality traits.

    Masahiko Kida

    ISTJ (5w6)

    Masahiko Kida personality type is ISTP, and this is why he's such an intriguing, complex character. He's not a completely "bad" person, but he's not a good person either. He doesn't do things out of compassion or kindness, and he doesn't even really do them for the fun of it. He does things because they're his job, and he does it well, but he isn't motivated by the joy of helping people. He's motivated by the joy of solving puzzles. That's why he was such a good detective, and why he was such a good engineer.

    The ISTP also knows how to get things done, and does get things done. This isn't because the ISTP loses his temper and throws tantrums or explodes into a rage or gets that impulsive urge to throw things. The ISTP just knows how to get that job done, and he doesn't waste time on anything that isn't necessary. ISTPs aren't impulsive because they're "crazy" or because they're impatient or because they can't wait to get on with it. They're impulsive because they know what to do and they know how to get it done.

    The ISTP knows what to do in a crisis.

    One of the eight members of the Yotsuba Group.

    The Vice President of Rights and Planning at Yotsuba and one of the eight members of the Yotsuba Group.

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