Personality List

    Stephen Loud "Gevanni" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Stephen Loud "Gevanni"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Stephen Loud "Gevanni" from Death Note and what is the personality traits.

    Stephen Loud "Gevanni"

    ISTP (5w6)

    Stephen Loud "Gevanni" personality type is ISTP, an extroverted intuitive sensing type. ISTP personalities are often found in the corporate world, entrepreneurs, and small business people. They are quick learners, forthright, lively, curious, and are highly innovative. ISTP personalities are sometimes called "The Thinkers" because it is thought they are not very emotional or easily taken in by emotions of other types.

    I'm a type A person, but I'm not a big talker. I'm more reserved. I don't really like to be the center of attention. I'd rather be in the background, even though I'm an extrovert.

    I'm a type F personality, meaning I have Fe dom. But I have Ni dom so it's not so much an extraverted Fe dom as an introverted Ni dom.

    I have a very strong Fe dom. I have Ni dom so it's not so much an extraverted Fe dom as an introverted Ni dom. It just means I have a strong Fe dom in my personality. I'm very outgoing and sociable, but I'm still introverted in an extraverted way.

    I have a different type of personality than other people in the same job.

    A member of the SPK.

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