Personality List

    Rod Ross/Dwight Gordon Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rod Ross/Dwight Gordon? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rod Ross/Dwight Gordon from Death Note and what is the personality traits.

    Rod Ross/Dwight Gordon

    ESTJ (8w7)

    Rod Ross/Dwight Gordon personality type is ESTJ, also known as the "duty-bound" or "organization-fixated" personality. This personality is frequently described as a "responsible, organized and dependable" type. ESTJs are often described as intellectual and practical problem solvers, and are often described as very hard workers and serious about their careers and jobs.

    ESTJ-related careers include law enforcement personnel, military officers, firefighters, doctors, researchers, airline pilots, pilots, and teachers.

    ESTJs are likely to be very hard-working, practical, reliable, and responsible. They can be quite formal and shy around people they don't know, but they can be extremely friendly around people they do know. They tend to do well in careers where they take the initiative to solve problems, when they need to concentrate on material details and follow procedures to be effective and efficient.

    ESTJs can be very loyal to their employers and coworkers. They are likely to be very good team players and they expect the same from others. They can also be very independent and not particularly interested in socializing with others.

    ESTJs are likely to have very high expectations of themselves and others.

    The leader of the Mafia organization.

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