Personality List

    Jaroslav Naď Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jaroslav Naď? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jaroslav Naď from Government Europe and what is the personality traits.

    Jaroslav Naď

    ESTJ (8w9)

    Jaroslav Naď personality type is ESTJ, so he's not one to go to the extreme of the introverted-extroverted spectrum. He's more into the ambiverted, and can be both an extrovert and an introvert depending on the situation and the people he's with. He's what you'd call a warm extrovert. He's not a people person, but he's not an introvert either. He's just a regular guy. He is not a very communicative person. If he doesn't really know you, he will be quiet, but if he knows you, he'll be more talkative. One of his best characteristics is that he can really express himself. If he's not happy, you'll know it immediately. He's honest, straightforward, and openhearted. He sees things through, and he decides how things should be done. When he makes a decision, he sticks with it. He's very determined, and he doesn't falter, even if things are difficult. He's very rational, and won't make decisions based on emotions. When he likes someone, he likes them more than just being friends.

    Jaroslav Naď (born 21 March 1981, Nitra, Czecho-Slovakia) is a Slovak politician, currently serving as Minister of Defence since March 2020, as a nominee of OĽaNO.[1] He specialises in national security issues.[2] He previously worked with Globsec.[3]

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