Personality List

    Wybren van Haga Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Wybren van Haga? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Wybren van Haga from Government Europe and what is the personality traits.

    Wybren van Haga

    ESTJ (XwX)

    Wybren van Haga personality type is ESTJ, he is the first ESTJ to be a minister.

    The conclusion of Wybren's story is that he was indeed highly intelligent and his former life in the world of business made him a good minister. However, he also displayed a strong desire to be accepted by people, which in this case was the family of Christiaan Barnard. He did not want them to think badly of him, so he did the best he could to make himself attractive to them. This resulted in his becoming a minister without any qualities that could have made him an effective leader.

    C. S. Lewis wrote in "The Four Loves" that one should never confuse intelligence with wisdom, since not all intelligent people are wise, and not all wise people are intelligent. In his book "Self-Help", however, he wrote that intelligent people themselves often do not understand their own intelligence, but rather believe that they are driven by a higher power. What he writes about in "Self-Help" is more about being true to oneself than being intelligent.

    Member of the Dutch party BVNL (Belang van Nederland)

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