Personality List

    He Who Remains Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of He Who Remains? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for He Who Remains from Loki 2021 and what is the personality traits.

    He Who Remains

    ENTP (9w8)

    He Who Remains personality type is ENTP, which is to say, he’s a genius, an artist, and a natural-born leader. He’s also, as I mentioned above, fairly shamelessly self-absorbed. So, you might think that ENTPs would be the most likely people to go into therapy. But you’d be wrong. It’s actually an INTP.

    The theory that ENTPs and INTPs go to therapy is very old and was first proposed by the ENTP author and theorist C.S.

    Bentley. In his famous book, The Art of Thought, he suggested that the INTP and the ENTP were both uncomfortable with their own intelligence and felt as if they were missing something important in their lives. According to Bentley, the INTP and the ENTP needed therapy because they couldn’t “get along” with other people and because they kept thinking about stuff all the time.

    Bentley’s idea is a fairly good one. In fact, many other people have also made similar observations about ENTPs and INTPs.

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