Personality List

    Alioth Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Alioth? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Alioth from Loki 2021 and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (8w9)

    Alioth personality type is ENTJ, which stands for the "J" for "Mastermind" (which is also its position in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). Stephen Hawking is an ENTJ, as is the fictional character Sherlock Holmes, who is described as "the man with the plan". The ENTJ personality type is also sometimes called the "The Scientist".

    The EIE was the first personality to be defined by Isabel Myers and is variously referred to as the "The Observer", "The Caregiver", or "The Peacemaker". This type is described as being very good at seeing other people's feelings and needs, and is therefore very good at making sure people are taken care of. It gets along well with people who are similar to it, but has trouble with people who are different or who don't take care of their own needs. The head of the United States Army, General George S. Patton, was described as having this personality type.

    The IFP, or "The Individualist" is another type that has been described by Isabel Myers. Like the EIE, this type is very good at noticing others' feelings and needs and has trouble with people who don't take care of their own needs.

    A time monster who "devours" variant souls into nothingness.

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