Personality List

    Eichi Tenshouin Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Eichi Tenshouin? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Eichi Tenshouin from Ensemble Stars and what is the personality traits.

    Eichi Tenshouin

    INFJ (3w4)

    Eichi Tenshouin personality type is INFJ, and his personality type is INTP.

    According to the MBTI® Manual, the INFJ personality type is:

    The Counselor: INFJs are focused on people and relationships and make unusual contributions to their groups and organizations. They like to help others and delight in people’s success. INFJs often find themselves in the role of “the counselor, the therapist, the advisor,” as they enjoy helping others to see things as they do, to understand their problems, and to solve them. INFJs are also natural mediators and peacemakers. INFJs have a keen sense of timing, perception, and the ability to give constructive feedback to those around them. They can be wonderful team leaders and supervisors, as they bring a unique perspective to the situation and a strong desire for all involved to succeed. INFJs also have a strong interest in other cultures and ways of living.

    According to the MBTI® Manual, the INTP personality type is:

    The Thinker: INTPs are often described as brilliant, creative, and original. They can be brilliant writers, thinkers, and scientists.

    The idol representative of the idol agency, Starmaker Production. With a serene and mindful disposition, he loves idols more than anyone else. With a gentle and delicate voice, his performances have a feeling of elegance and warmth.

    Eichi is a member of Starmaker Production's fine.

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