Personality List

    Social One Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Social One? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Social One from Enneagram Subtypes and what is the personality traits.

    Social One

    ESTJ (1w2)

    Social One personality type is ESTJ, the “dutiful and reliable” (or the “solid citizen”) type. They are the type that values tradition and stability and will work tirelessly to establish a firm foundation for their family. They are the type that is quite capable of taking care of business, but they are also the type that enjoys providing for others. ESTJs will be the first to step up to the plate when a crisis occurs, and will be the person who brings order to chaos.

    They are the type that prioritizes family members and friends, and will take action immediately to ensure their well being. ESTJs are the type that are often seen as the “good cop, bad cop” in a team, and will be the one to enforce order when necessary. They are typically very conservative, and will always stick to the same routines and schedules.

    ESTJs tend to be very devout and religious. They will be the type that will always put their family before themselves, and are usually very responsible. ESTJs can be very blunt and critical, especially if they feel that someone is doing them wrong.

    SO Ones bring attention to what is good, right and appropriate and set an example of integrity and principled conduct. High self-control and high standards set them apart from people around them. Motivated by fairness and ‘making things right’ at their best they are systemic thinkers and role models for living one’s beliefs and values.

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