Personality List

    Hamburger Man Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Hamburger Man? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Hamburger Man from Mr Robot 2015 and what is the personality traits.

    Hamburger Man

    ISTJ (9w1)

    Hamburger Man personality type is INTJ, the leader. INTJs are known for being strong leaders who are highly intelligent and analytical. They are introverted and enjoy alone time. They are independent and decisive. They are knowledgeable and strategic, and they like to stay on top of things. INTJs are perfectionists and goal-oriented individuals. They love to be in control, and they work best with a plan. INTJs often have big ideas, and they have a knack for strategy and planning. They are excellent leaders and make great managers, but they don't like to delegate authority. INTJs are usually the first ones to spot an opportunity or problem, and they have excellent people skills.

    4. The Performer

    The Performer personality type is ESTP, the entertainer. ESTPs are extroverted and social. They are energetic and outspoken, and they love to be the center of attention. ESTPs are impulsive and spontaneous; they love to live life on the edge and try new things. ESTP's like to have fun, and they often have a magnetic personality. ESTPs tend to be quite charismatic and enjoy socializing. They can be quite convincing, and they can talk their way out of anything.

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