Personality List

    Fernando Vera Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Fernando Vera? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Fernando Vera from Mr Robot 2015 and what is the personality traits.

    Fernando Vera

    ESFP (4w3)

    Fernando Vera personality type is ESFP, which has been one of the most popular personality types in the world. The ESFP personality type is a fun-loving and extroverted personality type, a natural flirt and a people-pleaser. While ESFPs love being around others, they often have a hard time being alone. An ESFP is a born entertainer, a person who enjoys being the center of attention. They are typically very charismatic and can get along with just about anybody. ESFPs are quick to trust others and are usually very loyal friends. As a result, they can get caught up in relationships that may not be very healthy for them. ESFPs are the life of the party, who love to make people laugh and enjoy being the center of attention.

    The ESFP personality type is a natural extrovert. The ESFP personality type is a fun-loving and extroverted personality type, a natural flirt and a people-pleaser. While ESFPs love being around others, they often have a hard time being alone. An ESFP is a born entertainer, a person who enjoys being the center of attention. They are typically very charismatic and can get along with just about anybody.

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