Personality List

    Priya Koothrappali Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Priya Koothrappali? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Priya Koothrappali from The Big Bang Theory 2007 and what is the personality traits.

    Priya Koothrappali

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Priya Koothrappali personality type is ENTJ, which is why she is like Sheldon in many ways. ENTJ's are perfectionists, detail-oriented, and strong leaders. Sheldon is both an ENTJ and an INFP. Convinced of his own perfection, he becomes stressed when confronted with the idea that it isn't possible to be perfect in all things. He becomes easily frustrated by his mistakes, but is able to overcome that in order to be able to work on learning new things. INFP's are also perfectionists, but they tend to set higher standards than ENTJ's, so it is possible for them to be more frustrated by their mistakes than Sheldon.

    My favorite character of the series is Rajesh Koothrappali because I relate to him so much. Rajesh is an INFP, but he still has the same nervous energy that I do. He develops a crush on Amy, but it doesn't go anywhere because he is too afraid of the possibility of hurting her feelings. He is definitely my favorite character because I can relate to him so much.

    If you want to read about the characters in the series, you should check out Wikipedia's page for The Big Bang Theory or read my blog post about the characters.

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