Personality List

    Guren Ichinose Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Guren Ichinose? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Guren Ichinose from Owari No Seraph and what is the personality traits.

    Guren Ichinose

    ENTJ (8w9)

    Guren Ichinose personality type is ENTJ, which means that she is a decisive, competitive individual that believes in the power of logic. She believes in thinking things through and making decisions. She is also very confident, even when it comes to her own weaknesses, and doesn't mind voicing her opinions on others. She is also very hard working and has great self-control over her emotions.

    Guren's decision making skills are what enabled her to get into Jounin, she was able to get into the medical academy without the help of anyone else, and she had her first Jounin exam on her own. Her self-control over her emotions also helped her in the academy, she was able to pull herself together when she was upset with another student. Her self-control also allowed her to put up with the other students in the academy for so long.

    Guren is very good at analyzing people and situations, this is also what allowed her to get into Jounin on her own. She was able to pick out the people who were really good at what they did, and which ones were just pretending to be good. She then went to them and asked them to teach her what they knew.

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