Personality List

    Ruth Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ruth? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ruth from V For Vendetta 2005 and what is the personality traits.


    ENFP (1w9)

    Ruth personality type is ENFP, which is a child of the Fe-Ti combination.

    ENFPs are highly intuitive, imaginative and creative and have an inner life that is rich in innovation and originality. They have a strong desire to be unique, to be different in some way, and for all their own imaginations, ENFPs are not very good at following rules.

    Ruth is a very creative person, but her creative work life is filled with conflict, which she is not used to at all. Ruth is a very intense person, and it’s not surprising that this conflicts with her work life. As an ENFP, she’s open to all new possibilities but she’s also quite stubborn and she loves to fight for her ideas.

    Ruth has difficulty with following rules, and this is why she’s frustrated when she gets stuck with a project or a client. She doesn’t know how to make people see what she sees and she doesn’t know how to persuade them. She also doesn’t know how to deal with conflict within her team.

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