Personality List

    Seong Gi-hun’s Ex-Wife Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Seong Gi-hun’s Ex-Wife? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Seong Gi-hun’s Ex-Wife from Squid Game 2021 and what is the personality traits.

    Seong Gi-hun’s Ex-Wife

    ISTJ (1w2)

    Seong Gi-hun‘s Ex-Wife personality type is ISTJ, so what is her weakness?

    Here is what my interpretation of Seong Gi-hun‘s Ex-Wife personality type says about her weaknesses:

    She is very practical. She is not one to be swayed by the superficiality of material, and she does not put much stock into things that are not concrete. She applies the same logic to her relationships as she does to her career, and she has great self-awareness, which helps her to control her emotions. She is very careful with the people she loves. She knows better than most what it means to lose someone. She’s very loyal to her friends, but she might not show her love all over the place like some other Exes. She values her freedom, which is why she doesn’t like to be tied down. She’s not one to make hasty decisions, especially when it comes to love, and she’s not the type to jump into any relationship just for the sake of having someone.

    The EX-WIFE type is often described as pragmatic, practical, and warm.

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