Personality List

    Ted Mosby Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ted Mosby? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    Ted Mosby

    INFJ (4w5)

    Ted Mosby personality type is INFJ, which is a rare type that is found in less than 10% of the population. He is a rare type that is found in less than 10% of the population. INFJs are creative, sensitive, and extremely loyal, making them good parents and friends.

    INFJ personality is a rare personality type. The INFJ personality type is not one of the most common personality types, but it is often the most creative and the most loyal. INFJ personality types are usually creative, sensitive, and extremely loyal making them good parents and friends.

    INFJ personality type is rare, in fact only 2 percent of the population is an INFJ personality type! INFJs are creative, sensitive. INFJ personality is a rare personality type that is found in less than 10% of the population. INFJ Personality types are known to be creative, sensitive, and extremely loyal making them good parents and friends.

    InFJ personality type is a rare personality type that is found in less than 10% of the population. INFJ personality types are known to be creative, sensitive, and extremely loyal making them good parents and friends.

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