Personality List

    Lily Aldrin Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Lily Aldrin? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Lily Aldrin from How I Met Your Mother 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    Lily Aldrin

    ENFJ (2w1)

    Lily Aldrin personality type is ENFJ, 4w4).

    In general, ENFJs are warm, kind, compassionate, highly adaptable, and successful. They are generally quite sociable and get along well with others. They are clever, good at understanding other people, and have a good sense of humor. They have a rather romantic view of life and tend to have a dreamy imagination. ENFJs take their roles very seriously, and their need for respect and acceptance can lead them to be a bit demanding at times. They value harmony and the well-being of the group over personal agendas. ENFJs are usually very loyal to their friends and family, but they also tend to be very private with their emotions. They are easily hurt when their feelings are hurt, and they can become quite serious when upset. ENFJs are often very creative people who are capable of seeing things in an artistic way. They are good at building rapport with others and know how to make people feel comfortable. They can also be good at solving problems in others by using their natural wisdom to see the underlying cause of things.

    ENFJs in love often have a strong romantic streak in them.

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