Personality List

    Peter Parker “Spider-Man” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Peter Parker “Spider-Man”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Peter Parker “Spider-Man” from Marvel Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Peter Parker “Spider-Man”

    INFP (5w4)

    Peter Parker “Spider-Man” personality type is INFP, which oversimplifies the character’s complexity. Rather, Parker’s personality is one of a “living, breathing teenager who is struggling with his identity and trying to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up.” He is effectively an INFP who has taken on an extra layer of idealism and morality.

    INFJs (type 4) are another good example. Unlike other types, INFJs are notorious for their reluctance to reveal their innermost thoughts and feelings, especially to strangers. But this is because they are typically very private individuals, and do not typically like to expose their vulnerabilities to others.

    As an INFJ, Doc Ock (Ock = INFJ) is never seen sharing emotions with anyone, including Peter Parker. He’s generally distant and unemotional, rarely even smiling. His sense of humor is dry, sarcastic, and often mean-spirited.

    For example, when Peter Parker asks him why his eyes are red, he responds that he doesn’t know what Doc Ock’s problem is. The scene builds up to this moment by showing Ock as distant and unresponsive to Peter’s questions.

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