Personality List

    Granny Goodness Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Granny Goodness? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Granny Goodness from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Granny Goodness

    ESTJ (XwX)

    Granny Goodness personality type is ESTJ, the Executive, Thinker, and Judger. She is clear headed, vigilant, and logical. She is typically an S-type, the Strict Supervisor, who enjoys structure and rules. Granny Goodness is a powerful figure in the DC Universe, especially when she is teamed up with her sidekick, Jonny Double.

    Granny Goodness's primary power is the ability to manipulate reality, taking the form of a "tentacle" arm that she can use to move objects or attack her enemies. She can also create illusions that can deceive her opponents. She is also able to create weapons out of thin air, including a double-ended axe that she can use as a weapon.

    Granny Goodness is never seen reading a book or playing with a toy. She has no interests other than fighting crime, helping others, and assisting in the upbringing of her nieces and nephew.

    Granny Goodness first appeared in Brave and the Bold #28 (May/June 1959), written by Bill Finger and drawn by Sheldon Moldoff, who created her design. Granny was created with the intent to be a villain as much as she was intended to be a hero.

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