Personality List

    Harvey Dent "Two-Face" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Harvey Dent "Two-Face"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Harvey Dent "Two-Face" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Harvey Dent "Two-Face"

    ESTJ (1w2)

    Harvey Dent "Two-Face" personality type is ESTJ, the "establishment" type. He is the protector of the "old order" of society, which he is unwilling to sacrifice for any personal gain. However, his loyalty to the law is absolute, and he will do whatever it takes to uphold it.

    Harvey Dent is a sort of tragic hero, as he embodies what he believes is his better self, but ends up corrupting it. He is a good person, but evil has gotten the best of him.

    He is driven by his conscience to do what he believes is right, despite the fact that it is costing him everything. He realizes the ultimate price of obedience to law, and that his personal gains are really just a way to cover up the pain of his betrayal.

    Subconsciously, he knows that he needs to be punished for his crimes, but he doesn't know how to punish himself. He has no idea that he needs to punish himself. He is driven by guilt, but doesn't know what he's guilty of.

    His conflicts are internal, and stem from his personal code of ethics.

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