Personality List

    Helena Wayne Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Helena Wayne? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Helena Wayne from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Helena Wayne

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Helena Wayne personality type is ENTJ, with some INTJ undertones.


    Helena was raised by her mother Martha Wayne (a.k.a. “Maggie”) and her father Thomas Wayne. After her father was shot by the Joker, he made his 14 year old daughter promise to take care of her mother and younger brother, Dick.

    The young girl was not happy with this arrangement, though, and she spent most of her time sneaking off to watch TV in a secret room in the Batcave. The growing girl was a good student and a good athlete, competing in every sport imaginable.

    In her final year of high school, she met a boy named Peter Grayson when they both attended a local summer camp for the gifted. Neither of them were feeling very happy at the camp, so when they were in a counselor’s office one day, they decided to cuddle a little. The counselor, a young woman named Diana Prince, was also in the office at the time, and the two girls were quickly caught in a kiss.

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