Personality List

    Ra’s Al Ghul Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ra’s Al Ghul? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ra’s Al Ghul from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Ra’s Al Ghul

    INFJ (1w2)

    Ra’s Al Ghul personality type is INFJ, and this is very clearly demonstrated in the comic. He is driven by the need to preserve the future of his people, and it is this that drives him to challenge Batman. He also sees Batman as a threat to his people, even though the Batman is not the cause, but rather the consequence of Ra’s’s own actions.

    The theme of radical change and transformation plays a role in Ra’s’s personality, as does the theme of death and rebirth. His obsession with the Lazarus Pit plays a large role in his personality as well, as it allows him to live forever, and ultimately makes him a martyr for his people.

    This is all very clearly represented in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode, “Stealing Thunder”. In the episode, Ra’s is responsible for destroying a massive amount of life on Earth through his actions as Al Ghul. When Batman gets involved, he comes to the realisation that he is not fighting Ra’s, but rather his own actions. He begins to wonder if he should have done more to help humanity when he saw it struggling, but then realises that he could never have done enough.

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