Personality List

    Red Son Batman Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Red Son Batman? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Red Son Batman from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Red Son Batman

    INTJ (6w5)

    Red Son Batman personality type is INTJ, if you want to read all about it, read my post here.

    My interpretation of The Dark Knight Returns Batman is an INTJ. He’s a bit more intelligent than the other versions I’ve seen. He’s more realistic, and he’s more introverted, but he still has that dry sense of humor that INTJs are known for. He’s at his best when he’s alone, but he feels compelled to be around others, and he tries to make the best of whatever situation he’s in.

    INTJ Batman makes me feel like Bruce Wayne is an INTJ, not only because the Batman persona fits, but because the real Bruce Wayne is an INTJ.

    I know, I know. That’s a lot of speculation.

    There are many aspects of The Dark Knight Returns Batman that are similar to an INTJ character. For example, if The Dark Knight Returns Batman is an INTJ, then his love interest, Carrie Kelley, is an INTJ, too.

    I just think that Bruce Wayne is an INTJ, and Carrie Kelley is an INTJ, so I see parallels between the two characters.

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