Personality List

    The Murder Machine Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Murder Machine? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Murder Machine from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    The Murder Machine

    INTP (5w6)

    The Murder Machine personality type is INTP, which is confirmed by the Murder Machine's creator, Doctor Tenma. INTPs are known for their pessimism, which makes sense for someone who creates a weapon of mass destruction. He doesn't see the murder machine as a threat to his life, but he does see it as a threat to the entire world. All of the murders that the Murder Machine commits are on his own terms, and the only thing that worries him is that he doesn't know how to shut it off. As he tells Jackie, "If I can't turn off the machine, then I guess I'm already dead."

    Because of Tenma's cold-hearted nature, the Murder Machine doesn't really change him at all. He does get more ruthless in his pursuit of justice (he even kills his own father in order to get the power to make the Murder Machine), but he's still the same man underneath who can't stop thinking about his own death. A lot of characters in Fullmetal Alchemist try to escape their pasts, but Tenma is the only one who tries to use it to his advantage. That's not an uncommon theme for INTPs, who often act like they're more responsible than others do.

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