Personality List

    Trigon Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Trigon? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Trigon from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (8w7)

    Trigon personality type is ENTJ, which is one of the most common types on the planet, so you are essentially the most common person on the planet.As an ENTJ, you have a very strong desire to have things be organized, controlled, and consistent. You are also very good at giving orders, taking command, and executing the plans that you have laid out. You are very good at getting things done on time, and you are very efficient at organization.It is very easy for you to take control of situations where people are not following your commands. You are also highly intelligent, which is why you can think of a way to make things consistent.You are very good at making things consistent, which is why you are an excellent organizational leader. You can easily think of ways to make all of your people follow the same process, and you are very good at making things orderly and consistent for your company.When it comes to relationships, you are very good at making things consistent and orderly. You also have a strong desire to be in control and to be organized, so you can easily make your partner follow the same process as you do. This means that you will be very obedient to your partner and you will do everything that they tell you.

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