Personality List

    Hope Haddon Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Hope Haddon? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Hope Haddon from Sex Education 2019 and what is the personality traits.

    Hope Haddon

    ENTJ (3w2)

    Hope Haddon personality type is ENTJ, a master of "how things work". ENTJ's are known for their skill in handling systems and achieving goals. ENTJ's are often recognized as some of the most successful people in the world because of their ability to get things done. In fact, ENTJ's are so good at getting things done that they have been called "the taskmasters of the world". ENTJ's are also known for being very thorough. They have a knack for making sure that everything is done "just right" and that nothing is overlooked. ENTJ's are often able to accomplish a great deal, but it is important that they do not get too attached to anything they have accomplished. ENTJ's have a tendency to get too attached to their ideas, and this can result in them being disappointed when things don't turn out exactly as they want them to. ENTJ's can be ruthless when it comes to getting what they want. ENTJs are the type of person who won't stop until they get what they want. This can be an asset when it comes to getting things done in the workplace, but when it comes to personal relationships, ENTJ's can often make life difficult for others in their lives.

    Hope Haddon is the new headmistress at Moordale, replacing Headmaster Michael Groff after he was put on administrative leave at the end of Sex Education season 2

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