Personality List

    Ruby Matthews Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ruby Matthews? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ruby Matthews from Sex Education 2019 and what is the personality traits.

    Ruby Matthews

    ESTJ (3w4)

    Ruby Matthews personality type is ESTJ, an extrovert, thinking and judging type, "the Executive". ESTJs are the most common type in the workplace and tend to be very successful. They like to be in charge and like to get things done. ESTJs are good at planning and organizing and like the way they look and feel when they get their things done. They like to be in charge of other people and not be pushed around. They are the "boss" type and they do everything themselves because they don't like to have anyone else do anything for them. They don't want anyone telling them what to do. ESTJs are very independent and self-sufficient, but they have a strong need to have a clear role in life and a place where they belong. They have a hard time with change and a need to be in a routine. ESTJs are also the least likely personality type to be extroverted. They tend to be quiet and reserved. ESTJs can be very focused on their goals, but have a hard time with people who aren't interested in their goals or who can get in the way of their goals.

    ESTJ Activities:

    ESTJs are very goal-oriented and organized.

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