Personality List

    Dan Peña Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dan Peña? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dan Peña from Business and what is the personality traits.

    Dan Peña

    ENTJ (8w7)

    Dan Peña personality type is ENTJ, specifically the “E” version.

    I’m not one to let other people’s definitions cloud my judgement, but Peña’s style of leadership is distinctly different than that of the ENTJ.

    He’s not a dictator, nor does he act like one. While he doesn’t mind having the last word, he knows what he wants and doesn’t shy away from it. He takes an active role in making decisions and is not afraid to disagree with his team.

    This is very ENTJ-like, but Peña has an extra twist. He feels strongly about his opinions and will stand up for them, even if it means disagreeing with the person he works with.

    He is able to resist the temptation to be a dick about it, knowing that this is a small price to pay for what he believes in.

    4. Peña’s Values are Different Than Most Leaders

    While the ENTJ is known for being very principled, almost to a fault, Peña has a different take on values.

    ENTJs are known for being extremely strong on the “me” side of things.

    Daniel Steven Peña Sr. (born August 10, 1945) is a Mexican American businessman.

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