Personality List

    Sparrow #1 "Marcus Hargreeves" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sparrow #1 "Marcus Hargreeves"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sparrow #1 "Marcus Hargreeves" from The Umbrella Academy 2019 and what is the personality traits.

    Sparrow #1 "Marcus Hargreeves"

    ESTJ (3w2)

    Sparrow #1 "Marcus Hargreeves" personality type is ENFJ, which means he's not only a great leader, but also a natural leader. While Marcus is not as natural as some of the other ENFJs that I've met, he may surprise you. His sense of social responsibility is strong and he's willing to go on the offensive if necessary. He's also a very loyal friend and will go on any mission with you. He seems to be more of a mother hen than a leader, and will often step in and save your reputation if it's at risk. He can be a true friend, which is what I like about him. He's not afraid to help me, even if it means he doesn't get along with me.

    "Marcus Hargreeves" personality type is ENFJ, which means he's not only a great leader, but also a natural leader. While Marcus is not as natural as some of the other ENFJs that I've met, he may surprise you. His sense of social responsibility is strong and he's willing to go on the offensive if necessary. He's also a very loyal friend and will go on any mission with you.

    Marcus Hargreeves is "a natural born leader that oozes confidence and keeps the family together who is equally as charming as he is chiseled and colossus."

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