Personality List

    Takeda Ittetsu Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Takeda Ittetsu? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Takeda Ittetsu from Haikyuu and what is the personality traits.

    Takeda Ittetsu

    INFJ (6w5)

    Takeda Ittetsu personality type is INFJ, INFJ.

    Sakakibara Ittetsu is an infj personality. He is the shy type person who likes to wait for the right person to approach him or her. He is someone who will wait for someone to approach him if he is not sure of himself. He has the capability to be very convincing. He is not someone who will try to get off by flirting with someone else just to get to know them. He will not do that. He will focus on his interests and study them. He will not be too pushy or too pushy. He will wait for the right person to approach him. He will not be too pushy or too pushy regarding his relationship with a person. He will be able to show his feelings when the time is right. He will only show his feelings when he is sure of them. He likes to help people when he is in a position to do so, but he does not like doing it in return. He will also understanding of people if they are in a situation where they have to help a person in a time of need. He does not like doing favors in return.

    Ittetsu Takeda (Japanese: 武田 一鉄たけだ いってつ, Takeda Ittetsu) is the faculty advisor and head coach of the Karasuno High's volleyball club, though the practical coaching is performed by Keishin Ukai.

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