Personality List

    Makomo Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Makomo? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Makomo from Kimetsu No Yaiba and what is the personality traits.


    INFP (9w1)

    Makomo personality type is INFP, the most common of the 16 types.

    INFPs are perfectionists who are largely content to live in their imaginations. They are often attracted to artistic, creative, or scientific careers. They also make excellent counselors, teachers, and therapists because they are naturally empathetic, gentle, and kind. They are often considered to be the most creative of the 16 types.

    Makomo personality type is INFP, the most common of the 16 types.

    INFPs are perfectionists who are largely content to live in their imaginations. They are often attracted to artistic, creative, or scientific careers. They also make excellent counselors, teachers, and therapists because they are naturally empathetic, gentle, and kind. They are often considered to be the most creative of the 16 types.

    INFPs are perfectionists who are largely content to live in their imaginations. They are often attracted to artistic, creative, or scientific careers. They also make excellent counselors, teachers, and therapists because they are naturally empathetic, gentle, and kind. They are often considered to be the most creative of the 16 types.

    Completely opposing to Sabito's aggressive personality, Makomo was a girl of quiet, patient and kind nature. She was always helping Tanjiro Kamado by pointing out any mistakes in his technique and correcting any bad habits he had unconsciously developed during his training under Sakonji. Makomo's pet phrase is that she loves Sakonji very much.

    She is also a somewhat mysterious person, as she always speaks in an abstract and dreamy way without ever giving straight answers to questions about her past.

    Makomo and the other spirits of Sakonji's children entrust Tanjiro with putting their foster-father's mind at ease. She and Sabito watch over their loved ones, including Tanjiro, who helps put their souls to a peaceful rest.

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