Personality List

    Rokuta Kamado Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rokuta Kamado? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rokuta Kamado from Kimetsu No Yaiba and what is the personality traits.

    Rokuta Kamado

    INFP (6w7)

    Rokuta Kamado personality type is INFP, which means she is an Idealist with an idealistic side. Her hobbies are flowers, movies, music, and video games. She's very sensitive towards being talked to, but can also become very defensive when people are being mean to her. She has a very hard time communicating what she wants, but when she does she is extremely honest about it. She is very honest when it comes to her feelings, but when she has to be fake she can become very awkward. She is very fragile to rejection, but once she has someone she trusts she will stick by them forever.

    Rokuta Kamado likes to make people happy and make people happy makes her happy. She is very easy going and does not like to make decisions quickly, but when it comes to her friends she will get things done. She has a hard time understanding what people want, but if they tell her she will listen.

    Rokuta Kamado can be shy around new people at times, but once she gets to know them she opens up and becomes more friendly. When it comes to finding friends though she does not like having to find new ones. She has a hard time trusting people and will keep her feelings hidden to avoid getting hurt again.

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