Personality List

    Charles Zi Britannia Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Charles Zi Britannia? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Charles Zi Britannia from Code Geass and what is the personality traits.

    Charles Zi Britannia

    ENTJ (1w2)

    Charles Zi Britannia personality type is ENTJ, meaning 'the Commander'. This personality type is one of the rarest personality types, comprising approximately 2% of the population. ENTJs are known for their outspokenness, directness, ambition, and hyper-rationalism. But what makes ENTJs special is their ability to lead. ENTJs are outstanding leaders who will not accept any form of mediocrity. They are creative and innovative. ENTJs are usually good at hands-on tasks, but they tend to lose interest quickly in tasks that require them to be more abstract, creative, or theoretical. ENTJs want to lead and should be allowed to do so. ENTJs will not tolerate any form of mediocrity. They are creative and innovative. ENTJs are usually good at hands-on tasks, but they tend to lose interest quickly in tasks that require them to be more abstract, creative, or theoretical. ENTJs want to lead and should be allowed to do so. ENTJs will not tolerate any form of mediocrity. ENTJs are very good at seeing the big picture and reaching goals that require them to work at many different levels.

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