Personality List

    Gilbert G.P. Guilford Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gilbert G.P. Guilford? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gilbert G.P. Guilford from Code Geass and what is the personality traits.

    Gilbert G.P. Guilford

    ISTJ (1w2)

    Gilbert G.P. Guilford personality type is ISTJ, aka “the responsible”.

    How do you know if you’re an Introvert or an Extrovert?

    A person who is an introvert is more sensitive to their internal environment, and is less likely to be able to concentrate on what is going on around them. They are more likely to feel tired and burdened by the weight of the world, and the world seems to press on them. Introverts are people who need a lot of alone time to recharge their batteries.

    Extroverts are more likely to be energised by the world, they are more likely to be interested in spending time with others, they are more likely to be good listeners and they are more likely to be able to concentrate on what is going on around them. Extroverts are people who need a lot of socialising and stimulation.

    But how do you know if you’re a different type? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

    How do you know if you’re an Introvert or Extrovert?

    How do you know if you’re an extrovert?


    Gilbert G.P. Guilford (ギルバート G・P ギルフォード, Girubāto G P Girufōdo), 27 years old (28 at R2), is the confidant and personal knight of the second princess of the Britannian Imperial Family, Cornelia li Britannia. He leads the Glaston Knights after Andreas Darlton's disappearance and death. He is voiced by Yoshiyuki Kono (Japanese), Roger C. Smith (English).

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