Personality List

    Emperor Lelouch “The Demon” (Lelouch's Persona) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Emperor Lelouch “The Demon” (Lelouch's Persona)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Emperor Lelouch “The Demon” (Lelouch's Persona) from Code Geass and what is the personality traits.

    Emperor Lelouch “The Demon” (Lelouch's Persona)

    ENTJ (8w7)

    Emperor Lelouch “The Demon” (Lelouch's Persona) personality type is ENTJ, though the Original/True Lelouch personality type is INTJ.

    Inner Lelouch is an Empath.

    Inner Lelouch is a Fe-Se extrovert.

    Inner Lelouch is a Fe-Ni introvert.

    Original/True Lelouch is a Fe-Se extrovert.

    Original/True Lelouch is a Te-Ni introvert.

    Original/True Lelouch is a Se-Fi extrovert.

    Original/True Lelouch is a Se-Ti introvert.

    Original/True Lelouch's persona is an I-Te extrovert.

    Original/True Lelouch's persona is an I-Ti introvert.

    Lelouch's Persona's are Fe-Se extroverts.

    Lelouch has the best relationship with his Persona, which is why it can change at will, because it is the closest thing to him. Because it controls him, he has no need to control it. The True Lelouch personality type takes this to its logical end, where the two personalities are one and the same.

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