Personality List

    Julius Kingsley (Lelouch's Persona) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Julius Kingsley (Lelouch's Persona)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Julius Kingsley (Lelouch's Persona) from Code Geass and what is the personality traits.

    Julius Kingsley (Lelouch's Persona)

    INTJ (8w7)

    Julius Kingsley (Lelouch's Persona) personality type is INTJ, and he would be a very good example of that type. He has a very calm, analytical and strategic mind and this is expressed quite well in his determination and commitment to his goal. He is also very intelligent and cares a lot about the safety of others and the world as a whole. He often acts as the main strategist for the Black Knights and has a very high level of self awareness. He is also very careful with his words as his motives are often very hidden and he does not like to be manipulated.

    #4: Rival (Lelouch's Persona) personality type is ISFJ

    Rival is an ISFJ, and she has a much simpler and more carefree nature than Lelouch. She is also very supportive and friendly and likes to help people around her. She also has a very strong sense of duty and justice and is willing to help even those she does not care about. She also cares a lot about the safety of the world and believes that she should protect others.

    #5: Kallen (Lelouch's Persona) personality type is INFJ

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