Personality List

    Shinichirō Tamaki Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Shinichirō Tamaki? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Shinichirō Tamaki from Code Geass and what is the personality traits.

    Shinichirō Tamaki

    ESFP (6w7)

    Tamaki personality type is ESFP, the entertainer. They are impulsive, excitable, positive, extraverted, and impulsive. ESFPs are usually the life of the party, always full of life and energy. They tend to be talkative, outgoing, and fun. ESFPs are very friendly and make friends easily. ESFPs are good at making people laugh, and they do it often. ESFPs like to make people laugh, but they can also make people cry with their aggressive sense of humor. ESFPs tend to give people the wrong impression of them because of their outgoing personalities. ESFPs are often misjudged as being fake or superficial by other types. ESFPs are extraverted, which means that they like to spend time with others. They like to spend time with others because they love to be around people. ESFPs can seem shallow sometimes because they are so outgoing. ESFPs also have the desire to always be the center of attention, so they tend to talk more than necessary. ESFPs think fast on their feet and tend to not think things through before they act. This can be a problem when they are in stressful situations because they will feel rushed and say things without thinking first.


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